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module gsitemap Prestashop 1.7

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N’attendez pas que Google vienne vers vous. L’indexation d’un site auprès des moteurs de recherche comme Google, Bing, Yandex, Qwant et autres, quel que soit votre activité est indispensable pour figurer dans les meilleures positions sur les pages de résultats. Il est bien préférable de se faire connaitre.

Le fichier sitemap est utilisé pour enregistrer un […]

GIT comment convertir un dossier non vide en dépôt.

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Cette astuce peut vous aider à convertir un projet existant avec son code source en GIT si vous souhaitez l’envoyer sur github ou autre service payant ou gratuit de gestion de configuration.

How to convert a Java Maven project to Eclipse IDE

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I am used to clone git projects and to import maven java projects from a git repository within Eclipse. However Eclipse is not the only one java IDE, it is for sure the most popular one.

Recently I proceeded as usual, just as described above. I tried to import them within my Eclipse workspace and the […]

Prestashop free SEO Module Google Webmaster and other tools

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Google and Other major Search Engines provide you with a dashboard to monitor the keywords that lead your customers to your website.

Google Analytics and Google Search Console (formally known as Google Webmaster Tool) are two critical applications available for free for digital content analysis and data analytics.

In this blog post the focus is on Google […]

How to add HTTPS support to WordPress

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Google has announced that switching your website from HTTP to HTTPS will provide a boost to your ranking. Find out more at http://searchengineland.com/google-starts-giving-ranking-boost-secure-httpsssl-sites-199446.
HTTPS, or “secure http”, was developed to allow authorization and secured transactions. Exchanging confidential information needs to be secured in order to prevent unauthorized access, and https makes this happen. In many ways, […]

E-commerce and SKU numbers

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Today a labelling system is required to keep your inventory up to date.

Many businesses use a system known as SKU. SKU (pronounced “skew”) stands for Stock Keeping Unit. It is a company internal coding to identify their items. As direct consequence, the same product is more likely to have different SKU value from a company […]

How to fix Error Eclipse git unable to access ssl certificate problem

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Recently I was working on my workstation and I came across this issue. Few days before, everything was fine and I was able to check out my projects from my preferred Git repository. There are many reasons that lead to these errors. It is not the purpose of this blog post to list them but […]

10 commandes utiles de Git à connaitre

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Git est l’un des systèmes de gestion de configuration les plus connus et les plus utilisés au monde. Avec l’avènement des plateformes de codes ouverts et de projets collaboratifs et open source comme Github, il est devenu incontournable et a pris le pas sur ses prédécesseurs comme SVN. Dans cet article, nous vous indiquerons quelques […]

How to turn off WordPress automatic updates

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You have probably noticed now that WordPress can automatically update itself. This feature was introduced since WordPress 3.7. it is supposed to be important as automatic updates would install latest security updates or patches and protect your website from hackers. You would get all the latest WordPress improvements as well.

However you may want to control […]

Useful Github shortcuts cheat sheet

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As Open source projects trive, developers look up Github at a daily basis. It became “THE” Wikipedia for developers as they don’t want to reinvent the wheel every morning. Shortcuts are real time savers.

They are shortcuts for different needs.  Few Github markdown Shortcuts help to navigate quickly to a project source code, to the list […]

Prestashop 1.7 – Do I have to upgrade my shop?

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The market share of Prestashop worldwide is 2.68% in May 2016 according to Buildwith.com. It represents 250000 websites worldwide.

Just 2 little weeks after Prestashop was release, came Prestashop Here is Prestashop just after 1 week. Prestashop might look dynamic but let read between the lines. Today Prestashop 1.7 is not mature at […]

Best Prestashop SEO Module – review

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We get more and more review for our Prestashop module SEO Manager. Find out more at https://codecanyon.net/item/prestashop-seo-manager/reviews/4662419.

Find hereafter the latest public comments from our customers:

First I want to say that the suppert by Onasus is more than great! Though a superb FAQ and documention exists questions are answered in hours. Moreover in my case in detail […]