prestashop 1.7

Prestashop became so complex that the changes will be deployed step by step in Prestashop 1.7 and following version. You will notice that this is not Prestashop 2.x.

The first area the developers are look at is the admin area. The product page will be the restructured and consolidated. The number of tabs will be reduced to 6 . The module list will be updated as well. Today, the update mechanism looks poor as all the updates available are just listed above the list and pushing them into your actual shop might introduced few incompatibility depending on your store version. The whole experience could be improved though. It also probably means even more integration with Prestashop marketplace: I will not be surprised if they don’t make their own modules together with their partners’ modules more visible. They could also introduce more restrictions on module like SEO Manager that are not sold on Prestashop addons. Wait and see.

You may have come across Prestashop issues dealing with Smarty –the current Prestashop template engine. Out Smarty, welcome Twig – symphony template engine. For the time being both engines will work alongside of each other.

What is new in Prestashop 1.7

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If you are a merchant using Prestashop, you should pay attention to the changes ongoing on at Prestashop because they will have a huge impact on your business in a very short term.

Prestashop has long been a script using a home grown framework. What does it mean? Along with the development of e-commerce features, Prestashop […]

Prestashop module to prepare your retail site for Christmas

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We are now in the last month of 2015, very close to the time when bells, snowflakes, Santa and his reindeers take the centre of the stage. To add a little bit of Christmas spirit to your shop here is a list of module to prepare your site for the Celebrations atmosphere.

Prestashop module Snow Effect
This […]

Prestashop SEO module – FAQ – Part 3

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This post is part of the series Prestashop SEO Manager – Frequently Asked Questions. Find the first article at and the second one at
Question 1:
When I create a title it creates it correctly BUT prestashop always add itself in categories and homepage ”- shop name” in addition to any title that I create […]

Initiation au monde des affaires sur internet

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Faire des logiciels, des modules ou des scripts PHP, c’est bien. Mais réussir à les vendre c’est beaucoup mieux. Après avoir parlé de sujets purement techniques adressés plus à une audience aguerrie aux langages de programmation, nous introduisons une série d’articles sur la démarche de création d’entreprise.
D’une manière générale, avant de monter son propre entreprise, […]

Module Prestashop SEO Manager Foire aux Questions – part 1

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Si vous utilisez le module Prestashop SEO Manager disponible sur Codecanyon, voici quelques-unes des questions qui sont régulièrement posées par les marchands.


 Question :  Je viens d’acheter votre module Prestashop SEO MANAGER mais une fois chargé dans ma boutique, il n’apparaît pas dans la liste des modules. Est-ce normal ?

Le module vient dans une archive contenant à la fois le […]